Apple Pie kinda Love

Yesterday, we celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary. We decided during our first year of marriage that we would look upon the traditional gifts given for anniversaries, and gift within them. This year was fruits and flowers. This was a bit of a challenge at first thinking for a man, but I quickly got creative and decided to bake him an Apple Pie. It’s one of his favorites. I do not like cinnamon. It’s definitely something that’s been a while for him to eat since I cook most often. I should start here by saying, I have only ever baked one other pie and it did not turn out well. (Yes dear chocolate pecan pie- I remember you!) I can bake cookies, breads, cakes, brownies, etc but pies… not for me thus far in life. I had done some homework this time and watched lots of apple pie baking videos (thanks YouTube & all the bakers that make videos!). I also gathered up recipes from my mom and Paul’s mom. I was going to knock this apple pie off its socks!


So let’s take a look into yesterday morning starting to bake this pie. Recipes for making the pie crust out and ready to be accomplished. Check. Then i begin gathering all the ingredients and mixing them as recommended. Check. Except one thing happened after it’s all combined, the dough was still dry and falling a part. I added more oil like the directions said. When that failed, I added some water. Nothing changed. So in a somewhat mild panic, I call Paul’s mom. She’s just as baffled as I am and gives the advice to keep adding water not oil until it sticks together. I thank her and start to proceed back to the kitchen for crust making when I see my current books “Wait and See” and “Jesus Calling” on the coffee bar. I’ve been listening more to my call from the Holy Spirit and so I pick up the books. I begin with the days reading for August 5th. It was spot on. “Sit quietly in My Presence as I bless you.” And “Do not wear yourself out by worrying about whether you can cope with the pressures. Keep looking to Me and communicating with Me, as we walk through this day together.” The other book asked me to read Psalms 16, which talks about our security in God. I say a prayer to the Lord asking for Him to work with me to make this pie at least turn out, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but edible would be a huge plus.


Back to the crust I go. Add water, add some more. A thought of marriage comes into my mind. The first year of marriage is kind of like the crust. You have the right ingredients, love, friendship, trust, excitement for the future, etc. but unless you establish a rooted foundation (the dough sticking together!) the rest of your marriage cannot survive. It will be constantly shifting under the crumbling dough you tried to build upon. Interesting thought, OMG my dough is finally sticking! Hallelujah!! Ball it up, roll it out, and cut one layer into strips and the other in the pie pan. Set aside.


Next, I start peeling and slicing the apples. Delicious green apples!! I may have eaten a few along the way. Into a large bowl and next sprinkle with cinnamon. Mix until coated evenly. Another thought of marriage enters my mind. It’s after the “honeymoon” year of marriage and into the second when small things that bother each other are discussed. For example, the way socks are left wherever they are taken off- can’t you just put them in the laundry basket?! (Answer: no, no they cannot! ;) ) the combining of apples and cinnamon is this binding of one another on a deeper, more real level of who each of you are on a daily level. No longer are the tiptoeing days of the first year. And no matter how hard you try the cinnamon is stuck to the apples and it isn’t leaving. It’s about learning to love your spouse where they are, for who they are. We cannot change them. It’s not our job. That’s God’s job to alter our path in the ways He has set forth. We love, cherish, give grace, and hold space for the refining God is doing to each of us.


Onto the filling! This was an add to the recipes from our parents as video after video said this extra little step makes the apple pie hold and gives it a richness. Winning! I heat the ingredients together to a boil, give it a little taste, and add to the cinnamon apples. (Side note: it’s Delicious- if I could taste and love the end result of this apple pie- it probably would be the game changer for me too!) This feels like the third year of marriage coming together. It’s taking all the ingredients of your marriage thus far and mixing them, boiling them, and turning them into a delicious caramel like sauce. But remember, it’s hot, boiling hot and it can be messy and sticky like caramel too. Which goes to say there have been the ups and the downs of navigating this life with someone else. Choosing daily to be an integral ingredient in the daily grid of life, but still choosing them everyday no matter what down you’re in with each other.


Next step, bring out the the foundation crust and add the other two years of marriage in, layer with the sliced crust pieces to make it bind in the same layers of your marriage, ya know, make it look just as pretty and complex! Fold all the crust together on the ends and create a binding of the two crusts to become one.


Simply bake the pie. Baking the pie turns the raw foundation into a solid “rock” upon which all the other years can grow, become delicious, warm and gooey on the inside. When it’s done, you enter into your fourth year of marriage more bonded than you thought was possible because you took the time to build on your foundation, prayed, gave grace, prayed some more, and chose to love them as they are.


Last step, and by far the most important, Enjoy it! It doesn’t have to look or be perfect to still taste amazing. Marriage is the same- it will never look perfect, but it can be amazing. Once the pie is done baking, you have to let it set up for an hour. Oh yes, the “waiting” period God brought to my attention at the beginning of making this pie. Learning to wait for the harder seasons to pass, growth to occur, and then enjoying the fruits of our labor. It’s worth the extra steps.


Maybe you don’t have to bake the actual pie everyday to recall your journey, but you can smell it and take you right back to it every day. Simply add 2 drops of each EO and let it fill the room. Adventure together and Enjoy every moment of it. The Apple Pie and your marriage!!


Finding Stillness

Practicing stillness isn’t always easy in the every hustle bustle of our current generation. BUT this is the start of a new decade and beginning it with a whole lot of mindful stillness sounds like a great way to start it. Do you need some stillness, but have no idea where to start? It’s okay! I had no idea either, but with practice and some tools you’ll be on your way to a better version of the great person you already are.

First, we have to know how to cultivate an environment for stillness. Some suggestions: Set a timer for a few minutes without technology or distraction, maybe it looks like you reading a book for a few minutes, go for a walk with nothing but your thoughts, do some simple resting yoga poses, say a prayer or perhaps a tea break?! Whatever suits you best- do that. Staying true to who you are is key to continuing this habit in the months to come.

Here are five simple steps to help you jump start on creating more thoughtful stillness.

  1. Whatever cultivating method you have chosen (seriously choose one!), do that now and close your eyes for a mental reset

  2. Take a moment to assess the way your feeling? Are you happy, angry, tired, calm, anxious, joyful? What do you need to change this state of mind?

  3. Assess how you’re day/week has been going so far? Are you distracted, focused, busy, hurried?

  4. Sit with all of these feelings for a moment. Don’t develop judgement against them. Just be curious about them. NOW, face each one- just for a moment to say “I acknowledge you” and then ask yourself “What mental pattern caused this?”

  5. Can you feel gratitude in this moment? Take a few deep breaths: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth a few times to reset yourself.

Notice how you feel. Allow yourself to get back to your day with your renewed stillness and have a better day!

Some questions to ponder:

What are you dreaming of and your thoughts are preventing you from achieving and chasing?

Are you living out the best version of yourself possible? What’s stopping you?

What are you spending your time on? Is it productive to the life you wish for yourself?

Feel like your in a rut and cannot get out?

Are you taking time for yourself? Like really enjoying the things you love from life?

Time flys, am I right?!

Each month I start with every intention of sitting down to write out at least four posts a month. And each month that task gets replaced by other things. Grocery shopping, picking up the house, paying bills, yoga class, prayer, and so much more. With summer here and having the kiddos home with me all day, its been a struggle to find time for myself, but I know that is what I need! Writing has always been a way to calm myself, my schedule, my busy, and my thoughts. To find stillness.

Transformation. It’s been my word for 2019. So far many things in my life, that haven’t served me well, have been easily transformed. The big stuff... not so easily. For example, putting my children above my own self-care. This is hard, mom guilt sets in, “you can find spare time later” thoughts creep in, and the excuses pile up quick! Truth is, when I’m fully taking care of myself- everything else is easier. Life is easier to juggle. I’m in a better mood, which helps the whole family be more cohesive throughout the day. This is just one of those areas that needs some transformation this year. I’m a work in progress! Aren’t we all?

I need little breaks from the hustle and bustle of daily routine especially with all we had going on the last month of school and extracurricular activities (seriously though!!). Cannot believe we are halfway into June and we’ve only had a small number of rainless days in Oklahoma warm enough to swim or enjoy the parks. Yesterday was beautiful. We took advantage. We played outside. Planted some corn kernels (so fun to watch their imaginations run wild). Lastly, We went swimming with Breelyn’s bbf who is moving away this Saturday. It was sweet to watch them play and laugh and challenge each other to dive to the bottom for toys. My point is, it doesn't have to been a big planned event/vacation to make me stop and appreciate all that my life is right now. It’s challenging, it’s messy, it’s beautiful, and it’s mine. I am finding it’s the smaller things that just happen, that bring me the most joy. The super planned stuff... it makes me a stress bubble and even I don’t want to be around that!

I’m learning to let go of all the things I cannot and do not want to control. Establishing boundaries were they are necessary. Opening up to the possibility of opportunity and success where I least expect it. Leaning in to God’s word, His guidance (because I know I cannot do it on my own), and believing His Grace is all I need when I fail. Because I will fail. Everyday. I will fall short in one area or another, but I also know I have Grace to try again tomorrow. 

I want to hear from you... tell me. Where could your life use some transformation right now? What ways are your taking time for yourself this year?  

Hard times, Good people

First off, I cannot believe it is already August!! Where has the year gone already?! But I’m also grateful to be out of July.

For the last five years, it’s been a hard month full of memories of what once was, grieving in a healthy way, and coming around year after year to celebrate a life. This year was different. It was five, FIVE, years ago I lost my spouse and Breelyn’s daddy. It feels like so much time has gone by, and then too like it was yesterday I said goodbye and headed off to Dallas while he went to play golf!  Not only was July 2018 a month of memory, but also a month of more loss for my friends. We lost three friends in the span of two weeks. It is not easy to watch your friends hurt and be in pain that no one can take away. I know this pain all too well. There is shock, denial, grief and sadness. Truth be told, that’s really all there is for a while. And eventually you find peace, grace, love, honor, life, and hope. I say all of this not to create sadness for what is, but to bring awareness to discussing our loss with the people we love most. It’s never easy and it is by far the last thing we want to do when feeling sad. But quite possibly just talking about it more openly could have saved two friends lives this last month. 

I unknowingly wrestled with depression after Zack died. I stayed strong for Breelyn because she was so young- I had no other choice. But it wasnt until I truly got back on my feet that I realized how down I really was for many months. I slept longer than I needed, I sometimes never got out of my jammies, and I ate horribly. *and this was all okay for me to do- i lost one of the most important people in my life*  I enrolled into school at Wesleyan University and it brought God back into my life. My heart felt less heavy with each passing month and my life was (slowly) forever changed. Earlier this year I began a journey with Holy Yoga to become a yoga instructor. It puts Christ at the center of our practice vs the self. Currently, I am doing a discipleship group at church with some awesome women and I ran across a passage from Pope Benedict XVI that inspired me to make this post.


and the passage continued, but don’t we all strive to have happiness and joy in our lives. And to be Free!! Isnt it wonderful to know that Christ can and will bring us everything if we just open the door to let him in. Of course that sounds so easy, but it’s not. Everyday we have to continue to open those doors wider and deeper than the hinges will allow. Only we can open the doors, only we have the key.  We have to grow in our faith and life each day. We have to make the choice and no one can do that for us. 

This is the same with our life. Make a choice to strive for difference and change if you aren’t satisfied with the direction your life is heading. Alter your path and strive for better.  We all deserve the best that God has given us. If you aren’t a believer, that’s okay, you can still make changes. And why not give God a chance too- what do you have to lose? If nothing else, reach out to a friend or family member today who you know is hurting and could use some soul refreshing. Let yourself be the person they can lean on today. If your the one hurting, reach out to someone and tell them your story. 

Inspire change, create life, and choose freedom. 

Right where I’m meant to be

Have you ever thought to yourself or out loud... What am I supposed to do? Where do I belong in this world? What are my goals? Who am I? Oh the/my list could go on and on. 

The one I have been asking myself lately is “Is this where I am meant to be?” Am I doing the things God has planned for me or am I taking the longer path back to His?  

With more clarity over the last few weeks, and with intentional listening ears, God has let me know I am just where He needs me to be. And truly I have never felt more at ease allowing Him to work in my heart and soul the way He dreams of doing with each of us.

Nearly ten weeks ago I began a journey to become a yoga instructor. A dream/desire put in my heart long ago. The timing never felt right or things just never worked out the way I was planning (see that— the way I was planning.. not the way God was planning). I know now without a shred of doubt I needed to wait for my heart to be open to accepting God the way I do now. To wait and follow His timing for me to become a teacher when He knew I was ready for it. How do I know this? The program I joined was called Holy Yoga and to my surprise (no idea why- I knew it was about God!) we did a five week intense bible study focusing on our relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. My perspective changed, i changed, I have grown. So many times I used to say oh I dont have enough time to read the Bible or I don’t fully understand what I am reading so that takes me longer to read a section. Whatever my excuse was, that has changed. God makes time for us, ALL of us, everyday. Each time we call Him by name, He is there listening. 

Four weeks ago I began a discipleship group at my church with other ladies of our congregation. Some I had the pleasure of doing RCIA with over the last year, others I had never met, and still some that I met through attending church. At first, my thoughts told me I wasn’t knowledgeable enough about the Bible to join. I didn’t know the stories. I don’t know the order of the chapters of the Bible. I havent attended church long enough in my adult life to be a worthy member of the group- I lacked things to bring to the table. Truth is, none of those things matter/mattered. I was fearful, and scared- but embracing where God has lead me on my faith journey- I also knew better then to listen to the negativity that can envelope our world so quickly, instead I just did it. I jumped both feet in first and have enjoyed each class so much. I missed class last night because I was busy packing up all the fun things for our camping trip. When I woke up this morning at 6am (this isnt an everyday/anyday occurrence for me), all the last minute packing jitters subsided, and I yearned for the knowledge of being with those ladies last night. I wanted to know their thoughts and discussions from our lesson this week. 

Life isn’t always easy. Often times we aren’t where we are supposed to be. God loves us anyway and is so ready for us to jump back into His arms anytime we are ready. So... Embrace and rejoice in the valleys of life, that is where we grow! 

Are you where you’re supposed to be? Are you following your chosen path? What are you struggling with right now that is in your way? 


In today’s society, as parents, we teach our children to be themselves and to not let people bully them into following the crowd just because its the “cool” thing to do. Ya know, kissing boys/girls, sex, drugs, smoking, alcohol, etc.  Yet, tonight at dinner Breelyn was made fun of by a little girl and her two brothers because she chose to wear a ballet dress with a tiny sparkle pink hat to dinner (I wore this hat at our Young Living beauty school event with 20 other ladies! Dare I say we looked fabulous?!-see photo below). It wasn’t hidden, Breelyn was aware they were laughing at her, and their parents said nothing to stop it. If my daughters or other children who I was responsible for (friends, family etc) were doing that, I would absolutely say something and make them apologize for their inappropriate behavior.

Here lies my dilemma... Am I frustrated at those little kids for their behavior? Or am I truly irritated by the lack of parenting going on? Truth is BOTH! How awful for those parents to sit there and not say a word to their own children making fun of someone sitting at the next table. We should teach them love, joy, respect, manners, kindness, and grace because these are the things God gives to us. “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬) And those kids won’t stand a chance in the real world when they are older if they continue their current behavior, because lets face it- they will continue if its not changed while they are young.  “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs‬ ‭22:6‬ ‭NIV‬) Those parents are doing the biggest disservice to their children by allowing them to treat others that way. What happened to the old sayings “Treat others as you would like to be treated” or “if you can’t say anything nice, then dont say anything at all” 

I am in no way saying that my daughter is perfect, or that I am always the best version of a parent I can be. I do not claim to know everything or that I have this life figured out. Every day is a new challenge begging for God’s guidance. But what I am saying is in this moment- something needed to be said and corrected. I was not present at dinner tonight because I stayed home with our youngest who was sleeping for the night already (making teeth is hard work!). Regardless if this was happeneding to my daughter or not- it is not right. As a mom, I am so saddened that my child’s feelings are hurt and she may second guess wearing something because of fear of getting laughed at again. 

Have any of you encountered something like this? How did you respond? How did your child coop? Words of encouragement for me/her? Please!!


I will leave you with this to ponder...

 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

 YL Beauty school 2018

 YL Beauty school 2018


God never gives you a season without a reason.

What season of life are you in right now?

Sometimes raising children isn’t easy (at least for me anyway). We try and try and never seem to measure up to what we think we should be as a parent. Comparing, relating, trying, failing, succeeding. Or maybe you are rocking it and feeling beyond confident that your kids are and will be the best. 

 Or maybe our marriage doesn’t quite look like we thought it would when we dreamt of it long ago. Or maybe it is the life you have worked so hard at and are sharing it with your best friend by your side. 

Or maybe we don’t see our life measuring up to what we had hoped it should be.  Or we are accomplishing our dreams and aspirations and yearning for much much morez 

Or maybe our friendships and relationships aren’t as strong a deeply connected as we want.  Or possibly they are just as perfect as you had hoped and you have the best of friends that you share life with. 

Whatever the case is for you on your life journey, it is so important to find Grace in the moments we have and share with others. It may not be perfect or look the way we dreamed, but it’s what our life is made of.

Parenting isn’t easy and every new day presents challenges that we must face and overcome. It also has so many joys that we also need to slow down and breath in before its too late. When your first kid is on the way EVERYONE tells you- time goes by so fast enjoy it. And to be honest you kind of roll your eyes at it... until one day you wake up and see your 5 year old dressed and ready for school and think (silently and in awe) all those people were right.

Marriage takes work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. God didn’t intend for married life to be easy and happy and no work at all. He gave us every tool possible to search for Him and develop our marital bond into the strongest relationship we can possibly have with someone because of His love. Find a way to make your high seasons higher and your low seasons less frequent. Take the time to say I love you. Take the time to share, truly share, your life with your spouse— not just the every day hustle stuff. Remember every day why you chose them to spend forever with. 

Make your life goals a priority. So many moms (myself included) have gotten lost in being a mom or a wife or student or whatever title you have and we don’t know how to move forward into what our heart desires. This is sad for us! Take time in every day to discover who you are, what you enjoy, and what you desire from life. It WILL make you more patient, loving, caring, and present when younallow yourself a mental break from the grime and feed your soul. 

friendships.. oh y’all do i struggle with this one. It’s sad truthfully. We all of course live life and we are “busy”... but won’t we always be busy unless we MAKE the time for them? Isn’t it important to carve out time for ourselves, spouses, children, & our friends? These are the people we look to for guidance, comfort, laughter, and so much more. As I get older and I discover more about myself, I know just how much having a true friend that you can always call on means. Seek out friendships that challenge you to grow, be the best version of yourself, and are willing to catch you when you stumble (ya know, cuz you had too much wine!)

If we stop comparing our life to others or to a fairy tale, I am certain, we would all find our life is amazing and fulfilling in the ways that make our heart happy. Some of us love the beach, while others the mountains, and still others somewhere in between. 

Be grateful for every moment.

Give thanks to the good

Enjoy the little moments

Think of all the people you are grateful for, have you thanked them? Do they know how much they impact your life? What’s stopping you from telling them right now?
